Sunday 3 May 2009

Where to go next...

Hi. I'm having problems again. I'm not meant to be a writer am I? Anyway, I'm stuck agian. Trying to get my characters to develop into people but people seem to turn into characters easier. Have I got that right? Yeah. Easier. Less fair. Whichever. Also, watching Jeremy Kyle while trying to write is possibly the worst idea ever but I still do it, what else am I to do? The chavs give me ideas, not enough to credit them but they do put me off using certain personality traits so I guess that's good. But it's not enough, wrong even. It couldn't be any wronger, could it? Chavs are nature's comedy, this is not a comedy. Maybe a comedy of errors, nothing else.
I always had ideas of having this awesome book done and sold and I'd be onto, like, number three by now. Make it a trilogy, you know. But no. No, no, no. Not a chance. I wanted VK to be really evil and ruthless but so far she's just a tad psychotic. And more rubber than rubber itself
. She needs to be elasticated, flexible. She's like me in my first yoga class. Bloody useless.
Might have to try a different approach. Write backwards and no I don't mean the funny "Look, I can write backwards" writing. I mean timewise. Write her demise, first then give her a life. Maybe I could figure it out better, who knows? Who cares?? Besides me, obviously.

(On May 6th, I'll publish some of what I've done on here for people to read. Please leave feedback, it will help me to improve the book. I promise!!)

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