Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Planning for the book and afterwards

My book is set over three weeks in Liverpool involving gangs, Police Investigations and explosions! I nearly have the three weeks planned, I just need to assign times for each event so that it flows properly. Then I can type it up and get it proofed and published!! I really can't wait to hold and read a copy of my own book. My book, that I wrote with so much support from friends and family. I just hope people will like it and read it and maybe even buy it. I'm trying to make it readable and re-readable. Of all the books I have, I'll reread half again, most more than five times. I love to read and now I'm developing a love of writing because it's what I want. Matt is happy for me to do it because he knows I can do it. Family have never really known but I'm unsure as to whether I should use my real name or make one up... I like my name but I don't want old friends who didn't know about it to judge, and other general readers to judge me by the name. What to do?
I'm enjoying it, I'm really getting into writing about people I've made up and getting them to function properly. As people. My scenes need polishing up, so I type them up on the laptop and edit them that way. Saving the rainforests, single-handedly! I put in a few 'Easter Egg' references to show what I like to read and watch, like CSI references and Star trek, I think, makes it in somewhere.
When I have more done, I'll put up my first draft of the blurb! Hope it draws people in! I'd read it but then again, I'm biased...


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