Wednesday, 27 May 2009


Hi. I feel so much better today! I made my first breakthrough in months yesterday when I changed the dynamic of my main character! That was all I had to do, now I can do it, it works at last! She is now a good girl with all the willpower (or lack of) to stay that way. Depending on what I write, she could change dramatically. I don't want her to but if she has to, then that's fine. But I won't do it for fun! She isn't the heroine, more the damsel-in-distress kinda gal. But she can hold her own. Alan is the main guy/hero, Jo is heroine.
It's going well at last, but who knows! When it's published (I'm only doin about 10) if anyone wants one, please email me and I'll see what happens! It's all so great!!!

Wednesday, 6 May 2009


Apologies to anyone that cares, but can't get the site to accept my scenes! I'll keep trying but don't fret, if I can't get them on here you can email me and I'll send you some work!
I do assert my Intellectual Property Rights so no stealing!!


Rough Drafts of Scenes

Hi, the next few blogs will be rough drafts (very rough) as promised months ago. They're not necessarily going into the main book but maybe into a collection of short stories. So here's my first scene idea:

At the Docklands, there was an explosion that would have rocked even James Bond's cool but, somehow, they all hung on. Hoping on hope that Alan would survive. He was tough, but Alan was too busy waiting for Kwan to mess up. He knew it was coming, he just didn't know when. He hoped it was soon. That explosion could easily be tracked to a few feet from him. What was next? Where was next?

If you have ever felt offended by anything I've written, I wholeheartedly apologise and hope that, with any suggestions, I could tailor my writing so that it doesn't offend. If you just let me know, I can try harder for the future.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009


Hello, writing more scenes at the moment. United winning helped a little, but not that much. Anyway, finding that music helps me more. For instance, if I'm writing the naughty scenes, Meatloaf helps. Especially "(I Would Do) Anything for Love", that's a killer when followed by "Lady In Red" by Chris De Burgh. For fight scenes, Slipknot "Before I Forget" helped. Angsty songs get me steamed and I guess that's the point but it works. "Cold As Ice" by Foreigner is doing nothing for me now though.
Considering how down about this I was before, I'm making progress. Got my ideas better spaced and a timeline has formed naturally instead of me trying to force it. Thank God! REO Speedwagon is on now, time for more lovin!!


Hi. I'm using the dictaphone now to help with flow and getting ideas in order. Absolute. Dream. Should have gotten one earlier, thanks mum! Anyway, I'm finding it easier to organise the characters and their development as I can go over it and change it without needing to find it on paper. I'm single handedly saving the rainforests here!!
I'm starting with VK as she is my pivotal character and may be in the three planned books, I'm not sure yet how to get her to move forward or be a more rounded person. Once that's sloved, it'll be much easier to get the others to follow the same pattern. There are quite a few...
Does anyone have the Intellectual Property Rights on Reverse-Story-Writing? Am so having that if no-one else does! It's easier to write my timelines if I'm only going backwards and easier to add people if they are going away from the action. I'm trying to figure out if I should start again and use a different layout? By that I mean change the starting point and use the ending as the catalyst for what happens. I'm gonna try it and put a bit on here tomorrow so please leave feedback. You know if anyone even read this...

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Where to go next...

Hi. I'm having problems again. I'm not meant to be a writer am I? Anyway, I'm stuck agian. Trying to get my characters to develop into people but people seem to turn into characters easier. Have I got that right? Yeah. Easier. Less fair. Whichever. Also, watching Jeremy Kyle while trying to write is possibly the worst idea ever but I still do it, what else am I to do? The chavs give me ideas, not enough to credit them but they do put me off using certain personality traits so I guess that's good. But it's not enough, wrong even. It couldn't be any wronger, could it? Chavs are nature's comedy, this is not a comedy. Maybe a comedy of errors, nothing else.
I always had ideas of having this awesome book done and sold and I'd be onto, like, number three by now. Make it a trilogy, you know. But no. No, no, no. Not a chance. I wanted VK to be really evil and ruthless but so far she's just a tad psychotic. And more rubber than rubber itself
. She needs to be elasticated, flexible. She's like me in my first yoga class. Bloody useless.
Might have to try a different approach. Write backwards and no I don't mean the funny "Look, I can write backwards" writing. I mean timewise. Write her demise, first then give her a life. Maybe I could figure it out better, who knows? Who cares?? Besides me, obviously.

(On May 6th, I'll publish some of what I've done on here for people to read. Please leave feedback, it will help me to improve the book. I promise!!)